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- Not enough memory to load Canvas!
- Not enough memory to make a palette
- Error saving defaults
- Error loading palette
- A
- (-
- Select Entire Painting
- Select All Text
- Select All
- Select All Text
- Select All Lines
- Select All Rectangles
- Select All Rounded Corner Rectangles
- Select All Ovals or Circles
- Select All Arcs
- Select All Polygons
- Select All Bezier Curves
- Select All Paint Objects
- Select All
- Undo Send To Layer
- Undo Group
- Redo Group
- Undo justification change
- Undo leading change
- Undo Colors
- Undo Tool Action
- Undo
- Edit
- Edit
- Edit Polygon
- Edit Curve
- Crop Images
- Crop Image
- Again
- Again
- Cancel
- °
- This Page was Printed using a Demo Version of Canvas
- To Obtain your Full Working Copy of Canvas
- Contact Deneba Software at 1-800-6CANVAS or 305-594-6965
- '
- in
- pix.
- cm
- pica
- Inch
- Pixel
- Centimeter
- Pica
- (Unit:
- )
- Out of Memory
- Canvas Help
- CanvasHelp
- Layer #
- Clear
- Cut
- This Canvas Demo Doesn't Export Pict
- Paste
- Drag
- Lasso
- Marquee
- Delete
- Reverse Lasso
- Stamp Translucent
- Copy of
- This Canvas Demo Doesn't Export Pict
- An Error Occured Placing A Picture on the ClipBoard
- An Error Occured Creating A Macintosh Picture
- UltraPaint
- Canvas
- Layer #1
- Not enough memory to update Gray Scale Slider
- N
- Empty Clipboard
- % Gray
- %
- C
- Trace Edges
- Fill
- Invert
- Flip
- Courier
- New York
- Times
- Geneva
- Helvetica
- Monoco
- Chicago
- Tool Info
- Left
- Right
- Can not delete corrupted file
- Can not restore backup file
- Can not get Prefs Resources
- Cannot save Prefs Resources
- Canvas‚Ñ¢
- Canvas Prefs
- PICT 1
- UltraPaint‚Ñ¢
- UltraPaint Prefs
- by
- Not enough memory to open a document!
- Kill Selection
- Canvas doesn’t feel at home in this System!
- Fast Loading Tools
- Canvas Tools
- CanvasTools
- Please locate Canvas Tools by opening a tool
- No Tools
- Loading
- Initializing
- CanvasPrefs
- Please open Canvas Prefs
- No Prefs
- pt
- N
- °
- XX
- No Memory to save layers
- Problem
- Probable Cause/Solution
- Info/Location Code:
- ft
- mile
- mm
- cm
- pm
- km
- pica
- point
- This copy of Canvas‚Ñ¢ has been tampered with!
- Please enter your complete name.
- Not enough memory to load Canvas! It needs at least a 700K.
- Not enough memory to save tools' configuration.
- Not enough memory to wake up tools.
- Not enough memory to save tools' configuration.
- 3x, 6x, 9x, 27x.
- 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x, or 32x.
- Error opening Canvas Prefs.
- Please enter your name, company, and serial number exactly as shown on your Canvas 3.0 Beta Program Disk.
- Unable to stretch back the Paint Only layer.
- Unable to convert your UltraPaint‚Ñ¢ Prefs to 8-bit or B & W.
- You need a color computer to open this file.
- This file contains more colors than presently available.
- is found twice in your Canvas Tools folder.
- can not be purgeable.
- should be purgeable.
- is missing the NeedMenuMaintence flag set.
- Not enough memory to load all external tools.
- Not enough memory to load any external tool.
- Not enough memory to load Canvas‚Ñ¢.
- The System heap is full! Please quit some Applications or reduce Canvas' memory.
- sS
- s